We identify and re-imagine technologies to integrate into the architectural design workflow
How can technology support architectural design?
We realized that in architectural design, digital tools are often used reluctantly by established architects, as they were seen as a threat to conventional tools such as drawing on paper and hand-made models. Yet, we think that it must not be a decision between digital or manual tools. We believe the real strength for future architects lies in the combination of the two.
Read more about our mission here

Exploring workflows for Architecture Design
by Doz. Jonathan Benhamu
Discover more @HYTAC.IO
Your Lecturer:
Architect practicing in Switzerland for over 12 years, Jonathan is the Director of BENARICI GmbH, an architecture office focused on multi-team international collaborations and avant-garde design processes. After 3 years working as a teaching assistant at the Chair of Professor Andrea Deplazes at the ETH University in Zurich, he is now also a Dozent at the Department of Architecture in the “Hybrid Techniques for Architecture Design” teaching unit.
Jonathan is committed to creating simple workflows that bring analogue design processes and emerging technologies together.
Read more about Jonathan here